The Authors of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

By Jermaine Holmes

Inside of a Christian cathedral

Solomon: The Wise and Wealthy Monarch of Ancient Israel

In the annals of history, few figures stand out with the same blend of power, wisdom, and wealth as King Solomon. The successor to the famous King David, Solomon ruled over the combined kingdoms of Israel and Judah from 970 to 931 BCE. His reign was marked by numerous accomplishments, including the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem and his portrayal as a man of immense wealth and wisdom. Although his reign was centuries ago, the legacy of Solomon remains today in the form of biblical accounts, references, and legends.

The biblical accounts of Solomon’s life can be found in 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Chronicles. His name is symbolic, meaning “peaceful” and “friend of God,” which gives us a glimpse into his qualities. Solomon’s reign began in 970 BCE after his father’s death, David, and lasted until 931 BCE when the kingdom was divided.

Solomon’s childhood was anything but ordinary. Born in Jerusalem to David and Bathsheba, he grew up surrounded by his siblings, which included Nathan, Shammua, Shobab, and others. His birth played a significant role in the fragile peace between God and David, making him a symbol of harmony between the divine and mortal realms.

Upon ascending to the throne, Solomon solidified his position by appointing his friends to key administrative roles. This move ensured his consolidation of power and allowed him to focus on strengthening the military might of his kingdom. Through his leadership, he expanded the army and founded colonies to secure his rule. But Solomon was not solely concerned with military affairs. He recognized the importance of trade relationships and worked to foster alliances and partnerships with other nations.

One of the most well-known aspects of Solomon’s life was his legendary wisdom. To this day, he is synonymous with the phrase “judgment of Solomon.” This tale tells the story of two women claiming to be the same child’s mother. In a display of wisdom, Solomon suggested cutting the child in half to resolve the dispute. The true mother, filled with love and care, pleaded for the child’s life to be spared, revealing her identity. This story exemplifies Solomon’s wisdom and showcases his ability to discern truth and justice.

In addition to his wisdom, Solomon was renowned for his immense wealth. He collected tribute from his subjects and engaged in luxury trade. One of Solomon’s most significant alliances was with Hiram I, the king of Tyre. Through this alliance, Solomon established a flourishing trade network, amassing great wealth and resources.

Perhaps one of Solomon’s most notable achievements was the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. This magnificent structure became the spiritual and cultural center of the unified Israelite nation. It served as a testament to Solomon’s power and devotion to God. But his building projects extended far beyond the temple. Solomon undertook numerous construction projects across Israel, leaving a lasting legacy in the form of impressive buildings and structures.

Solomon’s personal life was also notable, albeit controversial. He allegedly wed 700 women and nurtured 300 concubines, which raises many eyebrows even by today’s standards. However, this was a display of indulgence and a diplomatic strategy. Solomon hoped to maintain peace and unity among the various nations by allowing foreign wives to import their national deities.

One of the most intriguing stories associated with Solomon is his encounter with the Queen of Sheba. Legends and tales surrounding this meeting abound, with many describing it as a meeting of two great minds and forces of nature. While shrouded in mystery, their relationship impacted the region and contributed to Solomon’s personal and political legacy.

Despite his extraordinary achievements, Solomon was not without his flaws. In his later years, he fell into idolatry, a transgression that led to his punishment. In response to his sins, the Lord decided to divide the kingdom. After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam succeeded him, and the once-unified kingdom split into Israel and Judah.

Solomon’s presence was not confined to his lifetime. Today, he remains a central figure in biblical history and is associated with the “golden age” of Israel. He is credited with writing two books of the Bible: Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. These texts offer philosophical and practical insights into various aspects of life and continue to resonate with readers today.

Few figures loom as significant in history as Solomon. From his awe-inspiring wisdom and wealth to his monumental construction projects and alliance with the Queen of Sheba, his tale is one of power and intrigue. Though centuries have passed, Solomon’s legacy endures, reminding us of the heights that great rulers can reach and the lessons we can learn from their lives.

David: The Beloved King and Ancient Legend

Step into ancient history and immerse yourself in the captivating tale of David, the third king of the United Kingdom of Israel. David, pronounced (/ˈdeɪvɪd/), is a name shrouded in significance, meaning “beloved one.” His story, set in the historical context of 1000 BCE, is a tapestry woven with biblical narratives, Jewish and Christian traditions, and a touch of mystery surrounding his historicity.

Historical records provide a foundation for understanding David’s existence. Jewish works suggest that he ascended the throne in 885 BCE, while the Tel Dan stele mentions the “House of David,” hinting at his lineage and influence. Furthermore, the Mesha stele presents a possible reference to the “House of David,” adding another layer to the enigmatic nature of his reign. However, the reliability of these records is a subject of debate, as much of our knowledge about David stems from biblical literature.

Embark on a journey through the biblical narrative of David’s life, where he emerges as a shepherd and skilled harpist. In this humble role, he first gains fame by defeating the formidable Goliath. The young David’s bravery and cunning earn him a favor but also ignite jealousy in Saul, the reigning king. The relationship between David and Saul becomes strained as David’s popularity grows, eventually leading him on a difficult path to the kingship.

Anointed as king, David conquers the illustrious city of Jerusalem and secures his rule. One of the defining moments of his monarchy was bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, an act that solidified the city’s religious and cultural significance in Jewish history. However, David’s personal life is riddled with controversy, including a scandalous affair with Bathsheba, which leads to the conflict with his son, Absalom.

The tale of David doesn’t end with controversy but transcends into the intricacies of death and succession. He is said to have died at 70, leaving behind a legacy that would ripple through the ages. His son Solomon succeeds him, but David’s impact goes far beyond kinship. He is revered as an ideal king, a forefather of the Hebrew Messiah, and is attributed to various psalms in the biblical canon and the book of Ecclesiastes.

Even after completing the biblical account, David’s story finds its way into post-biblical references. Jewish tradition cherishes David in written and oral traditions, elevating him into the realm of legend. In Christian tradition, David’s life takes on an even more profound significance, serving as a symbolic connection to Jesus and boasting a genealogical descent from David. Artists and writers throughout history have found inspiration in the grandeur and complexity of David’s life, immortalizing him in various forms of artistic expression.

As we delve into the details of David’s life, navigating the Abrahamic tradition’s varied interpretations is essential. In Rabbinic Judaism, legends surrounding David’s life highlight themes of repentance and emphasize his significance as a spiritual figure. Christianity, which views David as a prophet and king, intertwines his story with Jesus, further solidifying his role within the Christian faith. Islam also recognizes David as a prophet and relays his stories in the Quran, broadening the reach of his narrative across cultural and religious boundaries.

Uncovering the Mysterious Lemuel: A King of Virtue and Visions

Hebrew names are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, their meanings often revealing layers of significance. One such name is Lemuel, mentioned only twice in the Bible, in Proverbs 31:1 and 4. Though his identity remains uncertain, Lemuel’s name holds clues to his character and purpose.

Originating from the Hebrew word “Ləmū’ēl,” Lemuel means “to him, El.” El signifies God, suggesting a divine connection and an individual consecrated to God’s service. This connection is strengthened when we explore the name’s kindred forms, such as Jamuel (Genesis 46:10) and Namuel (1 Chronicles 4:24). These similar names further emphasize a spiritual calling.

The biblical passage introducing Lemuel, Proverbs 31, provides insight into his role as a king. The opening verse declares that these are the “words of Lemuel, king,” but his relationship with other characters remains unclear. Some speculations propose that Lemuel may be Solomon or Hezekiah, while an alternative theory suggests that he could be the king of Massa.

Proverbs 31 continues with a warning against kings drinking wine in verse 4, setting the tone for the rest of Lemuel’s discourse. Themes emerge, preaching virtue, justice, mercy, and temperance. Lemuel’s address may extend until the end of the chapter.

Jewish legend attempts to tie Lemuel to Solomon by identifying him as Solomon receiving advice from his mother, Bathsheba. However, no concrete evidence supports this claim, leaving us to ponder the true nature of Lemuel’s identity.

To understand Lemuel’s significance more deeply, we turn to Strong’s Concordance, where his Hebrew word, 3927, is defined as “(belonging) to God; Lemuel or Lemoel, a symbolic name of Solomon.” Other references, like Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Hitchcock’s Bible Names, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, and Nave’s Topical Bible, further highlight Lemuel’s enigmatic nature.

Rashi, a renowned Jewish commentator, interprets Lemuel’s name. He suggests that it means “to him, G-d” or “[the king] to whom G-d [spoke].” This interpretation aligns with the divine connection we observed earlier and presents Lemuel as a king chosen or spoken to by God.

Lemuel’s presence in the Book of Proverbs is unique, as it is the only direct address to a king. Ancient wisdom literature often included direct references, highlighting the imparted royal wisdom. Though his identity remains elusive, Lemuel takes his place among these esteemed figures.

To better understand Lemuel, we must consider the background of potential candidates, such as Solomon. Known for having numerous wives and concubines, Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, is a possible author of the “inspired utterance” in Proverbs. Could it be that she is the one giving Lemuel his vision and wisdom?

Finally, we delve into the modern interpretation of Proverbs 31:1, exploring the word “masa” or “massa.” Some scholars argue it should be treated as a proper noun, thus not meaning “vision.” Instead, they propose an alternative rendering: “The words of Lemuel, King of Masa (Assyria).” This interpretation adds an extra layer to Lemuel’s story by connecting him to an ancient kingdom.

Intriguing and enigmatic, Lemuel remains a figure whose identity sparks curiosity. Though uncertainties persist, his message of virtue and wisdom resonates throughout the ages. Like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, Lemuel draws us deeper into the rich tapestry of biblical history, reminding us that sometimes the greatest mysteries lie in the spaces between the known.


In the vast tapestry of history, there are figures whose names echo through the ages, captivating our imagination and inviting us to delve deeper into their stories. One such enigmatic figure is the sage known as Agur ben Jakeh. Originating from Hebrew (אָגוּר בִּן־יָקֶה, ʾĀgūr bīn-Yāqe), Agur is a character whose contribution to wisdom literature is both significant and awe-inspiring.

In the biblical accounts, Agur stands out as the compiler of proverbs found in the Book of Proverbs, specifically in Proverbs 30. These timeless sayings have come to be known as the Book of Agur or the Sayings of Agur. However, Agur’s background adds an intriguing layer to his story. It is believed that he was a sage of Arab descent, steeped in the rich traditions of his people.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Agur’s contribution is the resemblance between his words and those found in Isaiah 40:12–14. This similarity has sparked debates and controversies over the years, with some scholars questioning the authenticity and universality of Agur’s translations. Yet, despite these challenges, the content of Agur’s proverbs remains captivating and thought-provoking.

At the heart of Agur’s proverbs lies a profound self-reflection on his lack of wisdom and knowledge. He grapples with questions about the divine and the nature of the universe, seeking to understand the mysteries surrounding him. In Proverbs 30:1–4, Agur’s words resonate with a timeless sense of wonder and curiosity that transcends the boundaries of time and culture.

When exploring Agur’s origin, we encounter a fascinating array of theories. One possibility is that Agur hails from the ancient land of Mash, nestled between Judea and Babylonia. Other theories suggest that Agur may be associated with the term “Ha-Moshel,” meaning “the collector of proverbs,” indicating his role as a wisdom gatherer. This idea takes on prophetic connotations within the Hebrew Bible, suggesting that Agur’s words possess an oracular quality.

Within Rabbinical literature, Agur’s identity and relationship to King Solomon have an array of interpretations. Some scholars see Agur and subsequent words in Proverbs 30:1 as epithets of Solomon, weaving intricate word plays and linking them to Solomon’s wisdom and actions. However, alternative interpretations present Agur as a courageous seeker of knowledge, unafraid to question and challenge conventional wisdom.

The first verse of Proverbs 30, which introduces Agur, has also inspired much scholarly speculation. There are doubts about whether “le-ithiel” and “ukhal” are personal names, leading to various translations and interpretations. Some suggest that it could mean “I am weary, O God,” expressing Agur’s sense of exhaustion in his pursuit of divine understanding. Others propose translations such as “I am not God” or “How can I prevail? I am exhausted?” These alternative translations further deepen the mystery surrounding Agur’s true identity.

One perspective takes Agur’s character beyond the tangible realm, proposing he represents a foreign sage from the East. This interpretation opens up a world of wonder and possibility, as it suggests that Agur’s wisdom transcends borders and cultures, touching the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. Yet, amidst this speculative journey, there are hints of Agur’s possible rebuke in later texts, adding a layer of complexity to his story.

Alternatively, some scholars argue that Agur is not a mythical or symbolic figure but an actual person. They propose that Agur was, in fact, the author of the wise sayings found in Proverbs 30. This theory suggests that Agur’s name may be a symbolic name for Solomon, emphasizing his role as a collector and dispenser of wisdom. The meaning of Jakeh, which translates to “obey” or “obedient,” adds a further dimension to this perspective, highlighting the importance of humility and obedience in the pursuit of wisdom.

In the end, the story of Agur ben Jakeh remains shrouded in mystery and open to interpretation. We know that his words have withstood the test of time, inviting us to reflect on our wisdom and knowledge. With their universal themes and timeless insights, Agur’s sayings remind us that pursuing learning is a lifelong journey. This odyssey takes us beyond ourselves and into the depths of the human experience. In the words of Agur, “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God” (Proverbs 30:8-9).


About the Author

Jermaine Holmes works in online marketing and specializes in data analytics, SEO, web development, and AI with an interest in history, philosophy, and outdoor excursions. An LLM generated this article, but the content represents his own views and opinions. The content was reviewed and edited by a human prior to being published.